General Terms and Conditions for Curato(AGB) – Status 01/2023

§ 1 General, scope of application

(1) Curato leads GmbH & Co KG, Rather Str. 78, 40476 Düsseldorf, HRA 23594, represented by Curato leads Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Rather Str. 78, 40476 Düsseldorf, HRB 75444 (hereinafter: Contractor) offers the provision of services in the field of personnel recruitment in the form of campaign management on the digital job exchange and other related services under the brand name “Curato leads” for client companies (hereinafter: Client).
(2) These General Terms and Conditions are an integral part of all contracts that the Contractor concludes with the Client for the services offered by the Contractor.
They shall also apply to all future services or offers to the Client, even if they are not separately agreed again.
(3) In the event of contradictions between the provisions of this contract and the offers sent by the Contractor to the Client, the respective provisions of the offers shall take precedence over the contradictory provisions of these General Terms and Conditions.
(4) The General Terms and Conditions of the Client shall not apply, even if the Contractor does not separately object to their validity.

§ 2 Scope of services

(1) As a service provider in the field of personnel recruiting, the Contractor offers services in the form of campaign management of recruiting campaigns on the job exchange as well as other related services. The job board is not operated by the Contractor, but by the provider Indeed Ireland Operations Ltd, 124 St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (hereinafter: Indeed). Indeed is solely responsible for the operation of the job board and the provider’s terms of use and privacy policy apply. The terms of use can be found at and the privacy policy at Insofar as additional services on the “Glassdoor” platform of the provider Glassdoor, Inc., 300 Mission Street, 16th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA have also been agreed between the parties, the terms of use of this provider also apply (available at:
Auch hier gilt, dass für den Betrieb der Plattform nicht der Auftragnehmer verantwortlich ist.
Die Datenschutzerklärung für Glassdoor ist ebenfalls zu finden unter
(2) Die vom Auftragnehmer angebotenen Leistungen können, je nach getroffener Vereinbarung, unter anderem die Analyse und Optimierung sowie die Erstellung von Stellenanzeigen, die Verschlagwortung der Stellenanzeigen, Erstellung von Inhalten (Bild und Text) und die Pflege des Unternehmensprofils, die Administration und Veröffentlichung der Stellenanzeigen sowie die Analyse und Aufbereitung der Bewerberdaten umfassen.
Soweit dies zwischen den Vertragsparteien vereinbart wurde, kann der Auftragnehmer für den Auftraggeber unter anderem auch eine Vorauswahl der Bewerber, automatisierte Absagen, die erste persönliche Ansprache der Bewerber sowie die Terminierung von Vorstellungsgesprächen vornehmen.
(3) Der Auftragnehmer kann dem Auftraggeber den Zugang zu seinem eigenen Kundenportal zur Verfügung stellen.
In diesem kann der Auftraggeber beispielsweise seine Aufträge und Rechnungen einsehen oder Stellenanzeigen freigeben.
Stellt der Auftragnehmer dem Auftraggeber einen Zugang zur Verfügung, so muss sich der Kunde registrieren und verpflichtet sich, auch bei der Nutzung des Kundenportals auf dem zur Verfügung gestellten Speicherplatz keine Inhalte zu speichern, deren Bereitstellung, Veröffentlichung oder Nutzung gegen geltendes Recht, behördliche Auflagen oder Rechte Dritter verstoßen.
Der Auftraggeber verpflichtet sich des Weiteren, seine Daten und Informationen vor deren Ablage auf dem Datenserver auf Viren oder sonstige schädliche Komponenten zu überprüfen und hierfür dem Stand der Technik entsprechende Maßnahmen (zB Virenschutzprogramme) einzusetzen.
Der Auftragnehmer ist verpflichtet, die Zugangsdaten geheim zu halten und diese Dritten, d.h. Personen außerhalb oder innerhalb des Unternehmens ohne Vertretungsberechtigung, nicht zugänglich zu machen.
(4) Der Umfang der zu erbringenden Leistungen richtet sich nach der konkreten Vereinbarung der Vertragsparteien.
Geschuldet wird, soweit die Vertragsparteien nicht ausdrücklich abweichende Regelungen treffen, lediglich die ordnungsgemäße Erbringung der jeweiligen Dienstleistung und nicht die Herbeiführung eines bestimmten Erfolges.
Insbesondere verpflichtet sich der Auftragnehmer nicht, eine bestimmte Anzahl an Bewerbungen zu generieren oder einen geeigneten Kandidaten für die jeweils zu besetzende Stelle des Auftraggebers zu finden.
Auch wird der Auftragnehmer die Leistungen nur in dem Umfang vornehmen, in welchem diese von dem (Media-)Budget (siehe § 6) gedeckt sind (dies betrifft insbesondere Inanspruchnahme von Indeed-Leistungen für den Auftraggeber).
(5) Beauftragt der Auftraggeber im Rahmen einer Recruiting-Kampagne die Veröffentlichung von Stellenanzeigen und Schaltung von Indeed-Premium-Produkten auf und damit verbundene Dienstleistungen, wird der Auftragnehmer die Stellenanzeigen im Rahmen der vertraglichen Leistungspflichten an den Anbieter der Jobbörse zur Veröffentlichung übermitteln sowie die geschuldeten Dienstleistungen auf der Jobbörse vornehmen.
Der Auftragnehmer verpflichtet sich lediglich zur Durchführung der vereinbarten (und vom Budget umfassten) Leistungen im Rahmen der jeweiligen Recruiting-Kampagne. In particular, the Contractor assumes no responsibility for third-party content or the functionality, accuracy or legality of Indeed’s content, programs and websites.

§ 3 Conclusion of contract

(1) Offers can be requested or viewed in writing and digitally.
All offers of the Contractor are subject to change and non-binding, unless they are expressly marked as binding or contain a specific acceptance period.
The Contractor may accept orders or commissions placed in response to non-binding and noncommittal offers within 14 days of receipt.
Decisive for the timely acceptance is the respective receipt of the declaration of acceptance.
(2) The Contractor shall immediately confirm receipt of an order from the Client by e-mail.
If the Contractor’s offer was non-binding and did not include an acceptance period, such an e-mail does not constitute a binding acceptance of the order unless, in addition to confirming receipt, it also declares acceptance.
(3) If the Client requests an offer and does not use the customer portal, the Contractor shall send the offer by e-mail.
Before submitting the order/contract, the Client may check the information provided in the offer.
In the event that the client wishes to make changes or corrections, he can contact the contractor, e.g. by e-mail.
by e-mail, for example.
If the client agrees with the offer, he can place an order.
(4) If the client has access to the customer portal, he also has the option of requesting offers from the contractor via this portal.
In this case, communication (e.g. confirmation of receipt, offer) and the conclusion of the contract shall take place via the customer portal.
As part of the ordering process, the client first requests a quotation.
This is then made available by the contractor in the customer portal.
The client then has the opportunity to check the offer and their own details.
The client can reject the offer using a button or contact the contractor via the customer portal so that, for example, changes can be made to the offer or incorrect entries can be corrected.
Changes can be made to the offer or incorrect entries can be corrected.
By clicking on the “Accept and sign” button and submitting the corresponding electronic signature, the client can place the corresponding order.

§ 4 Place of performance

Services shall be provided at the Contractor’s offices.

§ 5 Obligations of the client

(1) The client is responsible for the recruiting campaigns.
In particular, the Client is solely responsible for all content that it sends to the Contractor or releases for publication on
The Contractor is not obliged to check the content provided (e.g. for completeness, accuracy or legality).
If the Contractor is of the opinion that the content provided is not compatible with the applicable law or this contract, the Contractor shall contact the Client and, in case of doubt, refrain from publishing the content until the legality of the content has been clarified by the Client.
(2) Before the respective job advertisement is published, it must be approved by the client.
The client is obliged to check the job advertisement provided by the contractor for approval before granting approval.
(3) The Client shall be obliged to provide the Contractor with the data and information required for the provision of the service in good time.
The Contractor must be informed immediately of any subsequent changes to this data.
Insofar as the client provides the contractor with templates/information for contractual use (e.g. for forwarding for publication on the job exchange), the client assures that he is authorized to hand over and use these templates/information.
The customer authorizes the contractor and Indeed to use the provided brands, logos, names or other business identifiers of the customer, in particular within the framework of the fulfillment of the contract.

§ 6 Budget and terms of payment

(1) The Client and the Contractor shall agree an individual budget for each recruiting campaign.
The Client shall make this budget available to the Contractor.
The budget is made up of the so-called media budget and any other agreed remuneration/additional costs.
The budget represents the “price” of the respective recruiting campaign.
The media budget is paid to Indeed and used to be able to use the corresponding services of Indeed (e.g. publication of advertisements or use of premium products).
The Contractor has no influence on the prices set by Indeed for individual services (e.g. the prices for premium job advertisements on Indeed, including the billing per click, per application started or according to cost-per-apply), which are booked with the media budget.
The Contractor will only perform services for the Client on Indeed to the extent of the agreed media budget.
If the media budget is used up, no further services will be provided by the contractor until a new media budget has been provided by the client.
If the media budget is not sufficient, the client can increase it after consultation with the contractor.
(2) In addition to the provision of the required media budget, the client does not have to pay any further remuneration to the contractor, unless otherwise agreed (e.g. in the case of the client’s so-called Plus Services).
The Client shall provide the Contractor with the budget required for the implementation of the respective recruiting campaign in the following month in advance.
(3) All prices quoted by the Contractor are subject to the statutory value added tax.
(4) Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, the Contractor shall invoice the agreed monthly budgets for the respective campaign on a monthly basis, in each case at the beginning of the month/campaign start.
The Contractor’s invoices shall be payable within 45 days of receipt.
(5) If payment is not made on time in accordance with § 6 Para.
4, the Client shall be in default even without a reminder.
The date of receipt of payment by the Contractor shall be decisive.
(6) The Contractor shall be entitled to suspend the services if payment is not received by the Client on time.
The Contractor is obliged to inform the Client immediately of the suspension of the services.

§ 7 Right of retention, offsetting, assignment

(1) The assertion of rights of retention and offsetting by the Client are excluded, unless the counterclaims are legally established, undisputed or recognized by the Contractor.
(2) The Contractor is entitled to transfer invoices issued to banks and other third parties within the framework of external agreements on receivables financing.

§ 8 Contract term, automatic contract renewal, termination

(1) The term of the contract for the respective recruiting campaign shall be either three, six or twelve months, depending on the agreement.
If the contracting parties have not specifically agreed the start of the term, the contractual term of the respective recruiting campaign shall begin as soon as the Contractor starts to carry it out.
(2) The contract term for the respective recruiting campaign shall be extended by the duration of the original term (i.e. by three, six or twelve months, depending on the agreement) if the respective recruiting campaign is not terminated by either of the contracting parties with a notice period of 14 days to the end of the current term.
Each renewal term begins immediately after the end of the previous term.
(3) The automatic extension of the contract term shall be at the price originally agreed for the first term.
(4) The right to extraordinary termination for good cause remains unaffected.
Good cause for extraordinary termination shall be deemed to exist for a contracting party in particular if
a) the other contracting party culpably breaches an obligation to a considerable extent and does not remedy this breach within a reasonable period set by the terminating contracting party; or
b) the other party is insolvent.
If Indeed terminates the cooperation with the Contractor or makes changes that make the provision of the services unreasonable for the Contractor, the Contractor may also terminate the contract extraordinarily at the point in time at which the Contractor can no longer access the necessary functions of Indeed for the Client.
(5) Termination and the setting of a deadline prior to termination must be in writing.
(6) The contractor must return or delete documents provided to him immediately and without being asked after termination of the contract.
This does not apply to data and documents for which there is a longer statutory retention obligation.
The retention obligation shall continue until the end of the respective retention period.
At the Client’s request, the Contractor shall confirm the deletion of the data and documents in writing.

§ 9 Liability

(1) The Contractor shall be liable without limitation – in the event of intent or gross negligence, – for injury to life, limb or health, – in accordance with the provisions of the Product Liability Act and – to the extent of a guarantee assumed by the Contractor.
(2) In the event of a slightly negligent breach of an obligation that is essential for achieving the purpose of the contract (cardinal obligation), the Contractor’s liability shall be limited to the amount of damage that is foreseeable and typical for the type of transaction in question.
(3) The contractor shall not be liable beyond this.
(4) The above limitation of liability shall also apply to the personal liability of the Contractor’s employees, representatives and bodies.

§ 10 Confidentiality and data protection

(1) The contracting parties, including all employees who have access to information of the other contracting party and / or the contractual service, mutually undertake to maintain confidentiality with regard to all information and documents of the respective other party that are marked as confidential or are to be regarded as confidential due to the circumstances.
This shall not apply in particular to information that is generally accessible, is published by the contracting party itself or has become known from a third party.
(2) The contracting parties undertake to always process and use personal data in accordance with all applicable data protection regulations, in particular the GDPR.
Insofar as the Contractor processes personal data on behalf of the Client, the contracting parties shall conclude an order processing agreement in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR.
(3) Detailed information on the legal basis for the processing of personal data and the rights of data subjects can be found in the privacy policy, which can be viewed on the homepage

§ 11 Miscellaneous

(1) The Contractor may use the services of third parties to fulfill its obligations.
(2) The Contractor is and may also work for other clients.
(3) Serious events, such as in particular force majeure, labor disputes, unrest, war or terrorist conflicts, which have unforeseeable consequences for the performance of services, shall release the contracting parties from their performance obligations for the duration of the disruption and to the extent of its effect, even if they are in default.
This does not imply automatic termination of the contract.
The contracting parties are obliged to notify each other of such an impediment and to adjust their obligations to the changed circumstances in good faith.
(4) The Client agrees that the Contractor is entitled to use the Client’s name, logo and brands for publicity purposes on all communication channels and at events in the form of references and to produce advertising material in electronic and printed form for marketing purposes, subject to compliance with data protection and confidentiality obligations.
This right is granted to the Contractor for an unlimited period of time.
(5) Section 11 (4) of these General Terms and Conditions may be excluded by individual contract.
(6) Contracts with the Client shall be concluded exclusively in German.
The Contractor shall save the text of the contract after conclusion of the contract, but shall not make it accessible to the Client after conclusion of the contract.

§ 12 Final provisions

(1) The contracting parties agree that the law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to all legal relationships arising from this contract, to the exclusion of its conflict of laws provisions and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of April 11, 1980 (UN Sales Convention).
(2) The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this contract shall be Düsseldorf.
(3) There are no verbal collateral agreements.
All amendments and supplements to the contract must be made in writing.
The precedence of the individual agreement acc.
§ 305b BGB remains unaffected.

§ 13 Severability clause

Should individual provisions of this contract be invalid, the contract shall nevertheless remain valid in all other respects.
In this case, the invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes closest to the economic and legal purpose of the invalid provision.

Bastian Naurath
Founder & Geschäftsführer
Mehr Sichtbarkeit, mehr Bewerbungen, keine Zusatzkosten.
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Bastian Naurath
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